Psoriasis and eczema together

MultiClear UV phototherapy for psoriasis, vitiligo and eczema We offer a local UV therapy for the treatment of small patches of psoriasis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and pigment loss vitiligo.

The beneficial effect of UV light on these conditions has been known for decades and when applied as a course therapy the patient can become symptom free. The advantage of the MultiClear treatment is that the UV light is applied only to areas affected by the illness, while the surrounding healthy skin is covered up.

General dermatology

Recommended for Those who have psoriasis patches on the elbow, knee, limbs or body, no larger in size than a few coins. Those who have eczema-inflamed skin at the back of the knee or the inside of the elbow, on the nape of the neck or on the shoulder; though no larger than a few coins in size.

Those on whose face seborrheic dermatitis has developed which does not respond to other treatment.

psoriasis and eczema together

Those who have a pigment loss patches vitiligo that have spread to the face, or are on the body, at the back of the knee or the inside of the elbow and do not exceed a few coins in size.

Treatable skin surfaces The face, the body, the limbs, the bends of the joints and the genital areas. Preparation The MultiClear treatment requires no special preparation.

  • ‪Lajos Kemény‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬
  • For the first time, the findings of hundreds of international researchers and skin specialists have been pieced together to solve the eczema puzzle.
  • We speak English.

At your examination we perform a test treatment to identify the ideal UV light dosage and conduct the course therapy according to the result. The treatment During a MultClear treatment a handpiece covering an area 3cm.

Aesthetic dermatology, cosmetology, anti-aging dermatology

Then we treat the neighbouring skin area. Before treating round, oval or oblong-shaped mutations, we cover up the surrounding healthy skin to protect it from UV radiation. The treatment is painless.

psoriasis and eczema together

Ability to psoriasis and eczema together, nursing at home The patient can return to work immediately after the MultiClear treatment as it causes no injury. Mild sensitivity, redness or swelling way occur on the treated area, though that disappears in days. Number of treatments Just one treatment may be effective but we recommend repeating the treatments a course of treatments in order to achieve a perfect result.

psoriasis and eczema together

The treatments can be applied once or twice a week. Scientific background of the treatment We use the plasma light source of the Clear Light Company for the MultiClear treatment.

psoriasis and eczema together

The local UV light treatment weakens the local immune reactions of the skin, i. Klinikánk Klinikánk higiénikus szakembert alkalmaz a protokoll felülvizsgálata és az újabb intézkedések bevezetése céljából.

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